‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ Soars With Six Million Spins

Posted in News on February 5, 2004
BMI songwriter Larry Henley was recently presented a Million-Air Certificate for "Wind Beneath My Wings," which has received over six million broadcast performances. Co-written with Jeff Silbar, the song has been recorded by dozens of artists including Patti LaBelle, Bette Midler and Gary Morris. Henley's list of writing credits also includes the BMI Award winners "Is It Still Over" (Randy Travis) and "Lizzie and The Rain Man" (Tanya Tucker). Based on an average length of three minutes, six million performances is the equivalent of 300,000 hours, or 34 years, of continuous airplay.

Pictured at BMI Nashville are Henley (center) with BMI's Thomas Cain and Patsy Bradley. photo by Brian Tipton


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