Grammy in the Schools Panel Prepares Students for Careers in Music

Posted in News on March 22, 2005
Grammy in the Schools, a national outreach program that provides insight to students about careers that are available in music and direction on how to prepare for them, held its annual event at Pace University on March 22 with over 1000 New York area high school students in attendance. This innovative program reaches thousands of students from across the country each year and is presented by the Grammy Foundation.

Pictured after the panel are composer/producer/engineer and record company executive Ernie Lake, ArtistShare president Brian Camelio, Bad Boy senior VP Francesca Spero, AOL Music executive Michelle Fiddler, XM Satellite Radio DJ Billy Zero and BMI's Robbin Ahrold, who moderated the panel

The day's activities began with a panel of top professionals who shared their experiences and described the challenges of their careers both on-stage and behind-the-scenes. Students then broke into smaller groups for hands-on, job-specific workshops, master classes and in-depth discussions about the career paths that interest them most. Opening the program was BMI Grammy Award-winning songwriter Jesse Harris ("Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones), who performed two of his original songs.


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