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Music Licensing for Residential Communities

BMI Makes It Simple to License the Music Used in Residential Communities


Call (888) 689-5264 to get
a license over the phone.


Fill out our Online Form and a BMI Representative will get back to you with more information.

Music Matters in Residential Communities

Music plays a significant role in creating an atmosphere that brings your residents together. From TVs and music in fitness centers and common areas, such as reception, elevators, game rooms and lounges, to events around the pool or lobby, permission must be granted from the copyright owner. It’s how songwriters and composers are paid, and this is where BMI can help.

The BMI music license for Residential Communities gives your businesses access to over 22.4 million musical works created and owned by more than 1.4 million songwriters, composers and music publishers.

BMI’s Music License Saves You Time & Money

  • SAVE TIME & MONEY A BMI license saves you the time and expense of contacting each songwriter or composer for permission to play their music publicly.
    • 10% Timely Payment Discount if you return your payment within 30 days.
  • SIMPLICITY Eliminates complex reporting and allows you to make music use changes online or over the phone.
    • Pay your bill online securely and easily.
    • Schedule your payments by choosing the billing plan that is right for your business, and you can also opt for automated payments.

Don't leave additional savings on the table.
License all of your locations from one central BMI account to take advantage of these extra discounts:

Number of Licensed Locations
Discount Amount

Check out these common questions from BMI customers like you.

Yes, permission must be given for events that are only open to your community if you’re performing any one of the millions of songs in BMI’s award-winning catalog. The United States Copyright Law defines a "public place" as any place where people outside of "your normal circle of family and friends" are gathered. In other words, even if the event is not open to non-residents, members of your community in attendance form a public. This would not be considered an informal gathering of family and friends. Remember, any music that’s accessible to all of your residents requires the appropriate music licensing, and BMI can help get you started.

Musicians, DJs, entertainers or other vendors are not responsible for the public performance fees. Since it’s the business or organization who hired the performer for the enjoyment their customers, it’s their responsibility to cover the licensing fees associated with that performance.

Although your digital music subscription gives you access to an enormous catalog of music, it does not provide the necessary copyright clearance to play those songs in your residential community. Once you decide to play any copyrighted music, you need permission from the copyright owners.

Commercial music services, which are licensed with BMI, provide BMI music for background use only. For example, this could include background music in your lobby, club house or elevator. If your music use includes TV, radio, a DJ, karaoke, or live music performance, it falls outside of the scope of coverage afforded by your CMS agreement. Please contact a BMI representative for more information and to obtain a BMI license to cover your music performances.

Yes, but those agreements do not authorize the performance of TV, cable and radio to the public by businesses and other organizations. However, there are certain exemptions provided by copyright law, including the size of your establishment, how many TVs you have in each room, their screen size and how many speakers you have. Contact a BMI Representative to learn if these uses need to be licensed for your business.

Yes. A music license with another performing right organization allows you to perform only copyrighted music represented by that organization. It does not cover public performances of the award-winning music licensed by BMI. This is because each songwriter or composer may belong to only one performing right organization at any given time, so each PRO licenses a unique repertoire of music. For a look at 100% BMI works, go to

Providers of self-directed fitness equipment are not licensed by BMI for use in public areas such as fitness centers.