Barry Manilow Scholarship Open to Lyricists at UCLA Extension

Posted in News on November 22, 2005

For the fourth consecutive year, Concord Records and BMI songwriter/artist Barry Manilow are offering scholarships to reward excellence in the art and craft of lyric writing. The Barry Manilow Scholarship will be awarded to the six highest-achieving students from the Winter 2006 UCLA Extension course “Writing Lyrics That Succeed and Endure,” taught by long-time Manilow collaborator Marty Panzer.

Each student will receive three additional “master class” advanced sessions as well as a three-hour private, one-on-one session with Mr. Panzer. The winning students will also receive a 3 CD compilation of Marty Panzer’s selected Lyrics That Have Succeeded and Endured, a triple CD of Lyrics By…Marty Panzer, and Barry Manilow’s current release Manilow Scores - Songs from COPACABANA and HARMONY.

Scholarship recipients will be selected by the instructor based on progress made within the course, lyric writing ability and the instructor’s assessment of real potential in the field of songwriting.

What past winners have said about Marty Panzer and the scholarship program:

“It was an honor to be selected as a recipient of the Barry Manilow Scholarship. Marty’s genuine caring and musical insight has left an indelible mark on me and my writing for which I will be forever grateful.” - Ginny Emrick, class of 2003

“Being a part of the scholarship class has been a godsend. Marty Panzer has some kind of supernatural insight and, coming from a writer that has been successful for so many years, you know it’s the real deal.” - Jim Dilbeck, class of 2004

“Although a believer in structure, Marty throws away any rules that may get in your way and just allows you to write with passion from your soul. I absolutely recommend the class to anyone who takes songwriting seriously and wants to raise their game.” - Nancy Bates, class of 2003


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