BMI Teams Up With Volunteer Lawyers

Posted in News on May 4, 2006
BMI New York has teamed up with Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA), the leading provider of pro bono legal services, mediation services, educational programs and publications, and advocacy to the arts community in the New York area, to co-sponsor two important legal programs this fall.

Every Wednesday during the month of September, BMI will present its "Crash Course: Legal Series," a four week seminar that will feature entertainment attorneys discussing different legal issue affecting songwriters, publishers and musicians. Topics will include record contracts, management contracts, publishing agreements and digital contracts. As an added bonus, BMI writers will be able to sign up at the series for private clinics with attorneys from Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts. The BMI Legal Series will take place September 6, 13, 20 and 27 at the Living Room (154 Ludlow Street) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The series is free and open to the public.

BMI writers can also take advantage of a discounted registration rate of $50 for VLA's ongoing Legal & Business Boot Camp for Arts Professionals. This two-day program covers the legal and business issues that affect individual artists and individuals within arts organizations and cultural institutions. Featured topics include intellectual property, contract basics and business structures for creative endeavors; there will also be an Ask the Lawyers" panel. The New York Boot Camp course will take place September 29 and 30. Click here to download a registration form.



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