Submitting Claims to BMI for International Adverts/Commercial Jingles


Many international rights societies license and distribute royalties for adverts/commercial jingle performances in their territory.  In order to submit a claim please email the following information to

Song Title(s): Name of song(s) and BMI work number(s)
Note: the performed song(s) must be registered with BMI
Link to video: Provide internet link to video of advert/commercial
Alternatively, you may attach a file to your email
Duration: Duration of advert/commercial and music within commercial
Advertiser: Name of company that owns the product being advertised
Ad Campaign: Name of ad campaign
Product: Name of product
Territories: List of countries or regions where the advert/commercial aired (e.g., Europe)
Air Dates: i.e. MM/DD/YY through MM/DD/YY
Ad Code(s): Provide code(s) if available (i.e., Numerator, Rentrak, etc.)

Upon receipt of a claim BMI will notify the appropriate society(ies) to request royalties for performances of your song(s). 

Note: the rules, regulations and policies of each international rights society differ from country to country.  Supplementary information and/or documentation may be required.  Additionally, not all international adverts/commercial jingles are eligible for performance royalties. 

Questions concerning advert/commercial jingle performances outside of the United States can be emailed to Information on submitting claims for adverts/commercial jingles performed in the United States can be found here: Music used within Advertisements (Commercial Jingles)