
Musicworld Archives

Aug 3 2023 It’s Time for an All-New Edition of MusicWorld!
Jun 28 2023 Demoing for Duets
Jun 12 2023 The #1 Mistake Writers and Artists Make
Apr 20 2023 It’s Time for an All-New Edition of MusicWorld!
Apr 20 2023 The Pros & Cons of Clichés
Apr 20 2023 How to Get Your Music on Playlists: Demystifying the Process
Jan 26 2023 Are Your Songs Hitting the Right Target?
Nov 30 2022 A Mic for All Sessions
Nov 30 2022 How to Stretch Yourself Melodically
Oct 27 2022 Check Out Our Must-Read Tips in October’s MusicWorld!
Oct 27 2022 From Stage to Studio
Sep 22 2022 Check Out an All-New Edition of MusicWorld!
Sep 22 2022 Soundalike Suggestions
Aug 19 2022 A Day in the Life of a Demo
Jul 22 2022 Top Tips for Session Etiquette in a Recording Studio
Jun 23 2022 Check Out Our Must-Read Tips in June’s MusicWorld!
Jun 23 2022 How to Write to a Music Track: The Art of Toplining
May 27 2022 Check Out May’s MusicWorld With Must-Read Tips
May 27 2022 What Makes the Perfect Demo?
Apr 20 2022 What to Say and Do When You Meet a Publisher for the First Time
Feb 25 2022 Song Recycling Strategies
Feb 25 2022 Duets and Featured Artists: The Hot Trend in Recordings
Jan 20 2022 “How Hard Would You Work for a Hit?”
Nov 19 2021 Breathing Life into Your Recordings
Nov 19 2021 Skip Ewing Celebrates With a New Christmas Album
Nov 19 2021 Top Tips From 2021 That Can Put You on the Road to Songwriting Success in 2022
Oct 23 2021 5 Steps to Getting a “YES” from Music Publishers
Sep 24 2021 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Casting Your Songs
Aug 19 2021 “Bring Me Something New”—What Song Publishers Really Mean
Jun 25 2021 Making Mixes That Matter – How to Create Distinctive Master Recordings of Your Songs
May 21 2021 How to Improve Your Editing Skills…And Your Songs
May 21 2021 Are Your Songs Too Repetitious – or Not Repetitious Enough?
Apr 22 2021 Which Recording Mixes Do You Need to Increase Your Odds of Getting a Song Cut?
Mar 26 2021 Mic Moves: The Right Placement for Your Songs
Feb 26 2021 Three Rules for Contacting Anyone in the Music Business
Feb 26 2021 Tracking Alternatives – Which Recording Formats Are Right for You?
Jan 19 2021 5 Tips to Rebound, Reset, and Reinvigorate Your Songwriting
Jan 19 2021 “Amazed” Songwriter Aimee Mayo Shares Her Unexpected Journey to Hitmaker
Nov 19 2020 Change That Tune – The Art of Re-Arranging Your Songs
Nov 19 2020 The Most Important Trait for Songwriters and Recording Artists - Persistence
Oct 23 2020 Percussion Primer – Tips for Adding Hooky Rhythms to Your Music Tracks
Sep 24 2020 Using Chords and Modulations as Musical Hooks in Your Songs
Aug 19 2020 How Songwriting Makes You A Better Innovator
Jul 26 2020 How to Make a Socially Distanced Music Performance Video
Jun 25 2020 The 5 Skills You Need to Be a Successful Music Publisher
May 22 2020 5 Tips for Making Your Lyrics Stand Out
Apr 23 2020 Tips for Livestreaming Your Music from Home
Mar 18 2020 Recording Tips for Building a Better Bass Track
Feb 20 2020 BMI Bulletin Board: February 2020
Feb 20 2020 What Makes a Song a Worldwide Phenomenon?
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