BMI Musical Theatre Librettist Workshop Now Accepting Applications

Posted in News on May 19, 2021

BMI is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 season of the BMI-Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Librettist Workshop. This prestigious program is part of the Tony-honored BMI Workshop which has been developing professional musical theatre writers through education, peer critique and networking for more than four decades. The deadline to submit applications for this coming season is June 1, 2021.

Participants will start the course with the “Bookwriting Basics” program led by BMI Faculty Member Adam Mathias. This year-long course meets every Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 PM and is required before being invited to the Advanced Librettist Workshop led by moderator Nancy Golladay, which meets on Mondays from 6:15-8:15 PM from mid-September until May 2022.

“While we are hoping to hold classes in-person beginning mid-September, the safety of our Workshop participants is paramount. Therefore, we will continue to monitor local and federal guidelines for indoor gatherings and events,” said Patrick Cook, BMI’s Senior Director, Musical Theatre and Jazz. “Regardless of whether we meet in-person or on Zoom again this year, I’m very excited to work with this incoming group of writers and look forward to seeing the creative works that come out of the program.”

COVID restrictions permitting, all Workshops will be held at BMI’s New York City headquarters at 7 World Trade Center. Otherwise, we will meet again via Zoom until it is safe to gather in one room. Please visit to apply for the Librettist Workshop. Also, check back for up-to-date information on potential vaccine requirements that may be implemented as we monitor industry standards as well as local and federal guidelines to ensure the safety of our staff and students.

Applications should include:

  • A current resume or bio.
  • Two writing samples, at least one of which must include comedic content.

Either or both acceptable samples could be:

  • a 10-page or longer excerpt from a script or other genre,
  • a complete one-act,
  • a full-length script.

You must be 18 years or older to be considered for the Librettist Workshop and we continue to encourage writers of all races, genders, sexualities and physical abilities to apply. The writers who are accepted to the program will be notified in mid-August. However, if you apply separately to the Songwriters Workshop program, you may not hear back until after those auditions have been held in early September.

For more information on the BMI-Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Librettist Workshop and its instructors, please visit here.


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