BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop Previews New Works


February 6, 2013 The Tony Award-winning BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop held its winter Smoker, a semi-annual showcase of new songs from the workshop, January 31 at BMI’s New York office. Several new musicals were presented at the anticipated event, which is modeled after the informal social gatherings held at Cambridge University. Pictured at the Smoker are (back row): Ray Bokhour, Benjamin Velez, Kathryn Hathaway, Kaley McMahon, Willa Bassen, Nick Robertson, Tracy Sallows, Stuart McMeans, Lauren Cregor Devine (seated): Frank Evans, Kate Anderson, Elyssa Samsel, Patrick Cook. (Photo by )

TAGSPhotos Singer-Songwriter New York Engel, Lehman Evans, Frank

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